
MKB Boekhoudservice NL

MKB Boekhoudservice is a division of Rijkse Accountants that concentrates on small business owners. They provide the right combination for businesses, with a consultant on site or remotely and proprietary software. They had earned a new, fresh home style, website, and several other materials to commemorate the 10-year anniversary. It is a pleasure for Obridge to assist them in this endeavour. The team was eager to get started on the brand identity after a thorough kick-off!


"We stand for quick and personal contact and want to unburden the entrepreneur from A to Z. We really think along and are not 13 in a dozen. That is why we want to get rid of the somewhat dusty image that we had. This appearance fits our young , dynamic team. Also great to see how quickly we receive new requests via the website!''

MKB Team

The Ultimate solution for administration

MKB Boekhoudservice investigates the most efficient way of financial administration together with the entrepreneur.

With a consultant on location and accounting management software engineered, developed and managed by Obridge, they are able to offer an ideal solution to their clients.

In this way their clients have insights into their financial situations and total control over their company 24/7.