Stroke is a very broad term called the focal neurological deficit- which simply means any
problem with the nerves, spinal cord or the brain function. There are two types of strokes :
Reversible: Which itself get cured in 24 hours, 7 days or so on.
Irreversible : Which are permanent strokes and do not cure themselves. Exercises are useful in irreversible strokes which have not cured within 24 hours.
Area of exercise: Upper Limb
Type of Movements: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction and rotation.
This is a real kitchen environment where you have to cook and each cooking chore is related to
one movement.
Exergame was created in Unity3D using the SteamVR plugin. Headset used was Oculus.
All the necessary artwork and assets were imported from Unity marketplace and other free
online libraries such as sketchfab